Ferraro Bouquet
Our beautiful Ferraro Bouquets are being made and will be available to order mid April.
A photo simply doesn’t capture how bright and beautiful these bouquets are. They look pretty from every angle and are definitely attention grabbers!
Featuring 12 Ferraro Rocher chocolate ‘flowers’ these delicious alternatives to fresh flowers make a stunning gift on their own or they are perfect to team up with a bottle of wine or any other items from our ‘add on’ section.
Our beautiful Ferraro Bouquets are being made and will be available to order mid April.
A photo simply doesn’t capture how bright and beautiful these bouquets are. They look pretty from every angle and are definitely attention grabbers!
Featuring 12 Ferraro Rocher chocolate ‘flowers’ these delicious alternatives to fresh flowers make a stunning gift on their own or they are perfect to team up with a bottle of wine or any other items from our ‘add on’ section.
Our beautiful Ferraro Bouquets are being made and will be available to order mid April.
A photo simply doesn’t capture how bright and beautiful these bouquets are. They look pretty from every angle and are definitely attention grabbers!
Featuring 12 Ferraro Rocher chocolate ‘flowers’ these delicious alternatives to fresh flowers make a stunning gift on their own or they are perfect to team up with a bottle of wine or any other items from our ‘add on’ section.